I have a New Idea Model 307 8-roll husking bed, Model 322 12-roll husking bed, Model 315 sheller, Model 319 gathering unit and a Model 305 gathering unit that I am parting out. All are mostly complete yet so if you are needing parts for any of these units, e-mail me (or call) a detailed description of what part you need and I'll see if I have it. My e-mail address is tflitsales@myclearwave.net and my cell phone is 507-920-9474. I'm sure many of these parts are in common with the pull-type pickers and shellers also. Prices are reasonable - 1/2 to 1/4 the cost of new. -- Edited by jdtom at 02:33, 2007-10-20
you might tell everyone where you are located and what kind of tractor was it mounted on. Was it a super picker or a old one like what they used with a trailing husking bed/ Wish i had the money,time and a good trailor! -=(
I am located in SW Minnesota. According to the literature I have on these I guess it would be considered a Superpicker. All attachments are mounted on the tractor - nothing trailing. This particular one was mounted on an IH 460 tractor. I also have the front screen that goes on this tractor and I also have a "super snoot" for an IH 350 series with another picker that I haven't picked up yet. I need the screens and mounts for a JD 3020-4020 series so I'll be mixing and matching up pieces from several pickers before I am done. I'm trying to put together a good set of a 319 gathering unit with all 5 attachments that were made for it. So in the future I'm sure I'll have more "parts pickers" along with different mounts and side screens to choose from, or maybe even a whole picker in good shape to sell as a unit.
Are you looking for the rubber fingers above the husking bed or the little metal "fingers" or pegs that are driven into the wood plugs on the cast husking rolls?
Just thought I'd get this moved back to the top since corn picking season is upon us again - I still have many of these parts available if you are in need of stuff like this. Quite a few parts from the mounted pickers are also used on the pull-type units so if you have a pull picker and need some parts, let me know what you need and I'll see if I can help you out. I have parts catalogs for virtually every New Idea picker and attachments so I can cross-reference them easily. I also have a few sets of mounts for different brands of tractors so if you bought a mounted picker and need to mount it on a different tractor than it was on, drop me a line and I'll see what I can do. Thanks!