This past weekend my dad and I had the chance to see if the picker was up to the to the task. We didn't have the ability to pick it on the ear since the corn was going into the silo of the person who rents the land from my dad. The tractor and picker did a good job and shelled really nice! It was good to hear the unit run. The only thing that happened this weekend was a blown tire on the auger wagon and a broken shear pin. This might be the warm-up to hosting a corn picking day in southeast Minnesota. I hope you guys in Ottumwa had just as much fun picking corn as I did!
Jim My dad's farm is located just outside of Wykoff. I worked a few summers out at Doug Egland's tree farm outside of Ossian, so I have been to and through Decorah a few times. The farmer who rents my dad's farm just bought a new 8 row Kinzie planter set at 38" rows to replace his old JD 7000 4 row planter. I am pretty sure I don't have to worry about finding corn to pick. There is another local tractor guy who wouldn't mind taking his picker out to the field. I haven't figured out all of the details to hosting a corn picking day. The biggest hang up is a sheller. I would love to pick on the ear BUT the renter needs it shelled to put into his silo. I don't own one and I am sure my wife would be furious if I bought one. I have the rest of the fall-winter-spring to get the details worked out.
KA656 you were only a few miles from our place if you were at Dougs. Our farm is about 5 miles east of there. As for a sheller look right in the for sale section of this forum. The answer might be there for you.
Do you ever go to steam engine days in Mabel? I have a few A-C items there every year.
Jim It has been a long time since I have been to Steam Engine Days. When my dad and I were actively farming, we were in Mabel occassionally to Mabel Farm Equipment. That is where we bought our IH 656 and NI picker. Wayne and Steve were very good to us for parts and equipment. We were sad to see them go out of business years ago. I will check out the for sale ad. I believe that ad is from Harmony. Do you still pick corn for the farm or to sell or just for fun?