When I had mine hauled in from Pennsylvania, the trucker made a skid for under the frame on the elevator side and winched it up backwards onto the tilt-deck trailer. The wheel on the gathering side was on the deck and the elevator side wheel hung off with the skid supporting the weight of the picker from underneath . He needed wide-load permits to get across the bridge.
I hauled mine approx 160 miles when I purchased it. The man I got it from loaded it onto my 8 foot wide gooseneck with a large excavator. He picked the whole thing up and I backed underneath it. We centered it as best we could and blocked it up. But, the wheels were hanging off each side by about 6-10 inches. I tied A LOT of bright orange flagging tape to everything hanging off each side. The 4 lane didvided highway was the majority of the distance and it was not a problem. However, the 2 lane roads got kinda interesting to say the least.
I have been searching the Internet and found a three row picker for sale. I am not interested in picker but noticed it had the "snouts" removed and elevator removed for hauling. If the tongue can be removed I wonder if this would get the picker down to eight feet wide and load it sideways?
"Three feet aint very far until your diggin fence post holes by hand."