Randy Freshour Member: White County Antique Power Association, Indiana Allis Chalmers Partners Own: 1955 Wd45, 1953 AC 66 All Crop "Small Bin" Combine, #53 3-16 plow, various other implements
Great video of corn picking! Thank you for sharing! I really like that red Ford picker-looks sharp!! What kind of elevator did you use to fill the corn crib?
The elevator is a Kewanee 500 That has not seen much use. It raises/lowers with power from the PTO.
Here are the rest of the videos from Sunday:
Randy Freshour Member: White County Antique Power Association, Indiana Allis Chalmers Partners Own: 1955 Wd45, 1953 AC 66 All Crop "Small Bin" Combine, #53 3-16 plow, various other implements