Hi, I have recently purchased and began to use a NI 10 picker. The picker was working fine for a number of passes in the field and then it suddenly started slamming and shaking. It made the most horrible noises Ive heard coming from a machine like this. Im kinda new to this aspect of farming and this picker. It seems to me that the issue is in the rollers/huskers. That they may not be lining up and this is causing them to beat and slam. The rollers/huskers are new. What is wrong and how do I fix this? I have purchased a manual for it, but it wont be here for a few days. Thank you, Corey (910)258-2099
It sounds like your on the way to correcting the problem. The machine has to be in time and sounds like something broke that caused it to loose it's time. Can you turn the PTO with your hands or a pipe wrench to see if in fact the husking rollers are out of time? By your phone number it looks like your in NC, I am on the other side of Charlotte.