Hey guys i was just wandering what you guys do with the corn residue after you get done picking. Do you guys disc it, chop the stalks with a brushog or stalk chopper or just let it sit till spring time. I was just wandering what works best for guys with taking care of the corn stalks. I want to go to straight no till system and i been using the brush hog to chop the stalks and i used my disc and ran it about 2 or 3 inches deep to cut the stalks and they both seemed to work really good.
On our place, four months (+/-) worth of cows cuts the stalks down to size. We disk mostly to smooth out the hoof holes for a better seed bed. I just hope this winter gets muddy enough so the cows can MAKE hoof holes. Rain, snow, don't care...just wet it down, please.
If you don't have cows, but have good fences, you might think of renting it out for the winter to cow folks. That practice is not uncommon in our area, but there are liabilities to consider.