I have a 1-row woods bros. picker for sale. am selling it as fixer-upper or parts machine.--its complete as far as I can tell.--price is $100. thanks; picker dude
That was the first picker dad got. We came home one day from GS, and there it was. We kids thought we were in hog heaven. Turned out it was good, but not great. We still had to make a 1/2 doz openings in the field picking out 4 rows for the trctor pulling the picker, and another for the team, Florie and Dixie pulling the wagon we used to pick out the other 2. It also had a habit of jamming up in the cross over conveyor. Dad had wood hold downs made on the chains, and that helped. I guess he wasnt smart enough to think about takeing up the slack in the chain. Dont remember. We used it for 2 years, thern he got a #24 IHC picker for his 48 H, and that ended picking out the rows by hand.