Randy Freshour Member: White County Antique Power Association, Indiana Allis Chalmers Partners Own: 1955 Wd45, 1953 AC 66 All Crop "Small Bin" Combine, #53 3-16 plow, various other implements
The last time a moderator logged in was Aug. 1. We our on our own.
Randy Freshour Member: White County Antique Power Association, Indiana Allis Chalmers Partners Own: 1955 Wd45, 1953 AC 66 All Crop "Small Bin" Combine, #53 3-16 plow, various other implements
Im sorry for the lack of moderation, been extremely busy, and can currently only log in on my smartphone, which makes things a hassle. I try to check in when I can to try and clean up and moderate when need be. If you have more spam and I dont get to it right away, please shoot me an email or PM. Thank you.